Consultation with cardiologist
Resting ECG (Resting Electrocardiogram)

Recording of the electrical activity of the heart over a short period. The exam lasts a maximum of 5 minutes.

The examination takes place ideally lying on your back and 10 electrodes are applied to the body, 4 at the level of the limbs and 6 at the level of the thorax. Wires are attached to it and then the recording begins.

Cardiac ultrasound

Record still and moving images of the heart using a gel-coated probe on the thorax. The examination lasts 20 to 30 minutes and is performed lying on the left side and on the back. Measurements are taken and analyzed by a technologist, and a cardiologist then interprets the results.

Holter (continuous recording of electrical activity of the heart)

For a period of 24h, 48h, 72h, up to two weeks: 5 electrodes are applied to the level of the thorax and connected to a small recording box by wires.

The box is fixed at the level of the belt with a clip or is worn over the shoulder with the help of a strap. A preparation of the skin is necessary for the realization of this examination. A shave is necessary when there is hair on the chest. The skin will be cleansed with alcohol to remove all traces of sebum then a slight abrasion of the skin will be carried out using sandpaper for medical use, thus allowing a good capture of the electrical activity of the heart. .

For a holter of less than a week, showering, bathing or swimming are prohibited because the device must not be in contact with water. At the end of the recording, we go to your home to remove the device. We then analyze the data and then a cardiologist interprets the results.

Mapa (ambulatory blood pressure monitoring)

For a period of 24 or 48 hours: an armband is fitted to one arm and connected to a small recording box by a cable. The box is fixed at the level of the belt with a clip or is worn over the shoulder with the help of a strap. Wearing a short-sleeved shirt is preferable. Blood pressure will be measured every 15 minutes during the day and every hour at night.

Settings can be adjusted by us as needed. Showering, bathing or swimming are prohibited because the device must not come into contact with water. At the end of the recording, we go to your home to remove the device. We then analyze the data and then a cardiologist interprets the results.

Medical care
  • Smoking cessation
  • Vacination clinic
  • Contraception
  • ITSS screening
  • Assessment of diabetic foot and wound care
  • Injection of prescription medication (s/c, I/M)
  • Laboratory samples
  • Blood test
  • Taking vital signs and follow-up
  • Removal of staples and sutures with medical prescription
  • Podiatry care
  • Coming soon: Streptococcus test with treatment

Request an appointment

Return call within 24 hours.
Mandatory prescription for all appointments.

Request an appointment

Don’t wait any longer, call us because we have your life at heart !